The Ceylon Motor Traders Association (CMTA), the largest automotive association in South Asia, recently held the inaugural CMTA Masterminds Quiz at Playtrix in Colombo city centre. The competition was designed and organized by CMTA’s Human Resources Forum to promote networking among member companies and encourage employee engagement, which is vital in the current circumstances facing the local automotive industry .
Gayani Kodikara |
A total of 12 teams representing various CMTA member companies participated in the competition. This included David Pieris Motor Company (Private) Limited, Diesel & Motor Engineering PLC, Ideal Motors (Pvt) Ltd., Kia Motors (Lanka) Ltd., McLarens Lubricants Ltd., Stafford Motor Company (Pvt) Ltd., Toyota Lanka ( Pvt) Ltd. and United Motors Lanka PLC. The winner of the competition was the A-Team of Toyota Lanka (Pvt) Ltd., with Diesel & Motor Engineering PLC as the 1st runner-up, and the B-Team of United Motors Lanka PLC as the runner-up.
CMTA Human Resources Forum Director Gayani Kodikara shared her comments on the competition: “Given the challenges facing the automotive industry at the moment, we must do everything we can to maintain the motivation of our members. Competitions like the Masterminds Quiz are fun and healthy ways to both share knowledge among industry peers and promote networking and participation. We look forward to hosting more competitions like this in the future.”
Established in 1919, the Ceylon Motor Traders Association (CMTA) is the only trade body representing global vehicle manufacturers through their franchise holders locally (commonly referred to as ‘local agents/distributors’). CMTA is affiliated to the Ceylon Chamber of Commerce and is the largest automotive trade association in the region.
CMTA members collectively employ and train thousands of Sri Lankans while introducing international best practices in engineering and management, developing an internationally trained and employable talent pool.
All CMTA members are audited by the manufacturers they represent and the vehicles they import are shipped direct from the factory, designed to meet country-specific requirements.