Discussion of renewable energy continues to be encouraged by a number of stakeholders due to limited sources of fossil energy. Fossil energy is running out with the world’s enormous energy needs. But not only that, fossil energy is a form of energy that has a bad impact on the environment because it produces high carbon dioxide and is harmful to public health. Fossil energy is believed to be the main cause of rising global temperatures. Therefore, this situation encourages a number of countries, including Indonesia, to be able to encourage changes in household energy by using fuels that combine fossil fuels and biodiesel with components that reach 30-35%.
Indonesia is one of the countries actively promoting the reduction of fossil energy with the goal of reaching net zero emissions (NZE) by 2060. Indonesia’s presidency of the G20 led to a meeting and dialogue which resulted in a global solution to the energy crisis problem due to the geopolitical crisis in the European region from the start year 2022. Fossil energy is a political commodity that will become a problem when produce geopolitical changes in a given area. So the solution that today is considered good by the world is that all countries must carry out energy transformation as an alternative to reduce dependence on fossil energies and reduce climate change and reduce the burden on the Income Budget and State Expenditures. Fossil energy is considered as the energy that charges the Indonesian economic system.
Indonesia has carried out an energy transformation by promoting a green energy policy from the use of fossil energy through conventional methods, using fossil energy using modern technology to reduce waste carbon emissions which results in higher earth temperatures to encourage green energy or sustainable energy such as biodiesel energy, biofuel energy. and other renewable energies. Renewable energies such as biofuels and biodiesel have challenges that are not easy for Indonesia.
One of the unavailability of certain raw materials, as well as raw materials for biofuel energy and biodiesel energy, collide with the needs of the community. Biodiesel energy has a risk in the energy crisis and the cooking oil (food and fuel) crisis use crude palm oil or use cooking oil. However, it is very unlikely that the Indonesian government will make this dependence on the use of cooking oil because so far the regulations on the collection of raw materials for the use of cooking oil have not yet exist in Indonesia, so it is still at a small level. stage. Therefore, the energy generated from the use of cooking oil is still small compared to the energy needs of the Indonesian people.
Seeing biodiesel energy is not only in terms of its advantages because it can reduce dependence on fossil energy and reduce global climate change, but the impact of transforming fossil energy into sustainable energy has a negative impact in the economy of a country. There are many forms of adjustment that Indonesia must do, that is, Indonesia must reduce fossil energy mining activities such as coal, which is one of the sectors that contribute the most to the Indonesian state budget. In addition, if the Indonesian government is to convert the energy into biodiesel energy, it must provide transportation with a capacity and engine design according to the composition of biodiesel energy. Meanwhile, transportation or vehicles in Indonesia are still designed to use fossil energy. There are many adjustments that Indonesia needs to make with a very large foreign exchange fund. In addition, Indonesia needs to establish political regulations for the use of cooking oil so that it can help produce biodiesel energy, not on a large scale through CPO.
Meanwhile, the use of biofuel energy based on the use of plant waste is considered very cheap and environmentally friendly, but biofuel energy can only contribute on a small scale, so that if the energy depends on the biofuel, it will cause an unavailability of domestic energy. . Biofull energy is only able to be an alternative energy, not the main energy supply in Indonesia. Imagining biofuel energy as an energy that supports the Indonesian economy in the long term because it is free from the high cost of fossil energy subsidies is very wrong.
Meanwhile, if Indonesia promotes a series of renewable energy, for example Indonesia focuses on biofuel energy and biodiesel energy, this is a policy that will not be easy because the two energy systems have different production technologies. So the impact on the Indonesian economy is getting bigger and bigger.
Therefore, talking about economics, energy and climate change gets caught in a complicated circle. Developing countries forcing themselves to push renewable energy with an unsettled economic system will cause countries like Indonesia to be stuck in a developing economic system and find it difficult to progress due to the many changes that need to be adapted to the development based on green energy. especially in the industrial and transport sectors.
Indonesia, as a developing country and one of the G20 member countries driving a green economy, must push for changes that are consistent with policies that are, of course, favorable to renewable energy in all sectors. With this political situation, Indonesia must first ensure vehicle engine modifications because biodiesel is difficult to vaporize and use a fuel tank heating system to prevent oxidation. Meanwhile, vehicle engines in Indonesia are still being designed for fossil-based vehicle engines. Biodiesel energy stored for a long time will affect the quality of the biodiesel and cause clogging of the filter and deposits in the vehicle’s fuel pump and injectors.
Therefore, if Indonesia continues to push for a renewable policy based on biodiesel, it must increase the use of sufficient technology to reduce the risks to vehicles. In addition, if the energy transformation policy becomes a long-term goal, the government must slowly push for changes in biodiesel energy-friendly vehicle engines. Biodiesel energy is a promising energy for Indonesia to move towards renewable energy. Therefore, please ensure that the Indonesian government must push the regulation of cooking oil collection use policies to help produce biodiesel from CPO directly.