Dealing with mechanical problems in an SUV or any other vehicle can be frustrating. However, the possibility of premature engine failure is one of the absolute worst things to face. This is an expensive solution for anyone’s budget, and depending on the value of the SUV, some may even discard a vehicle with a failed engine. However, there are several symptoms of engine failure to watch out for. Additionally, there are routine things owners can do to prevent premature engine failure, such as changing the car’s oil.
Ways to avoid engine damage and eventual breakdowns
According to Car and Driver, the first thing any SUV owner should know is that sometimes engine problems can be out of their control. However, there are specific actions you can take to prevent engine failure in your SUV. The first, perhaps most important, thing to remember is that changing your car’s oil is critical. Changing the engine oil on time will help to avoid unnecessary problems.
Regular oil changes are essential because the engine needs proper lubrication to function. Without it, the SUV could encounter several problems. Running an SUV without oil is like a human body running without food; it may work for a while, but eventually it will crash.
It’s also important to pay attention to the car’s warning signs. For one thing, the low oil pressure light is not an indicator that anyone wants to see. If the low oil pressure light comes on, you have less oil than your engine needs. Interestingly, this light might come on before the oil change light does. If so, don’t ignore it because it means you need more oil to keep your engine running properly.
SUV owners can also check their oil levels regularly. This is one of the easiest ways to make sure your vehicle has enough oil. To do this, open the hood of the vehicle, locate and remove the dipstick, wipe the end with a paper towel, replace it in its proper position, and then put it back attract. You will see min and max gauges on the dipstick and the oil level should be at least at the min gauge. Also, the color of the oil should be caramel or tan; if it’s too dark, you need a car oil change.
Engine failure warning signs
While taking the right precautions helps, SUV engine problems are still possible or even likely to happen at some point. However, there are many warning signs of engine failure that SUV owners can watch for beyond the low oil pressure light or oil change light. Your SUV making less power than expected is one of the biggest warning signs of engine trouble. You’ll notice if the acceleration feels weaker or if the car seems less stable while driving.
Another warning sign of engine failure is decreased fuel economy. Sometimes it takes a while to notice a difference, but engine problems like low oil pressure often cause your SUV to use more fuel. Some mechanical issues can cause a drop in fuel economy, but it’s best to get your vehicle checked out just in case. Sure, you spend more on gas, but ignoring that could lead to a much bigger problem.
Random noises coming from the engine area are signs of trouble. These sounds often come in the form of thumps, grinds, or bangs. Also, sometimes the engine will make a more laborious noise, like it’s having trouble running. If you need a car oil change, your SUV’s engine is indeed struggling to run.
There could also be some more significant signs that you may be close to engine failure. Your regularly stalling engine is one. However, this could indicate other problems. Another big one is the engine running after the ignition is turned off. If this happens, get it checked out immediately.
For the most part, doing regular car oil changes and not ignoring the low oil pressure light will help prevent premature engine failure. However, there are other reasons why your SUV’s engine may encounter this problem. Owners should not ignore anomalies involving their vehicle’s engine because this could lead to much bigger problems.