WD-40 is an inexpensive and accessible way to remove oil stains, as long as you act quickly. First, you’ll need to clean up any excess oil spills. Paper towels are fine for this, but be sure to check local laws for motor oil disposal. Once most of the oil has been removed from the floor, it’s time to work on the stain.
You want to very liberally coat the oil stain with WD-40, making sure it has soaked thoroughly into the concrete. Depending on the severity of the spill, let it sit for 5 to 20 minutes. Keep an eye on it, and if you have children or pets, be sure to keep them inside and away from the stain during this time. Use a towel or disposable cloth to firmly rub in the WD-40 and the oil should get there, or at least do most of the heavy lifting.